A healthy food system is built on core values and principles that enable the wellbeing of all people, animals, and their environments. Within the Good Food Purchasing Program model, these core values are local and community-based economies, environmental sustainability, valued workforce, animal welfare, and community health and nutrition, and the principles of equity, accountability, and transparency.


Strategies in this category have been identified based on their importance as part of implementing values-based procurement to create a more equitable, accountable, and transparent food system—the core principles of the Good Food Purchasing Program.


  • Share purchasing data, assessment(s), purchasing targets, and/or implementation plans in a publicly accessible location with community members to facilitate engagement and transparency.
  • Dedicate staff time to engaging with community members (including, but not limited to, people served by meal programs, food service workers, constituents, and local food businesses) in informing values-based purchasing decisions and processes.
  • Have or develop a supplier/vendor diversification plan with goals that include reporting and accountability measures. Measures should be disaggregated by demographic group, including race and gender. Plan implementation should prioritize purchases and address barriers to entry for suppliers who have experienced negative systemic social and/or economic impacts such as (but not limited to) women, veterans, persons with disabilities, and especially people of color, across all supply chains and to the greatest extent possible.
  • Develop and implement comprehensive institutional policy(ies) that reflect community needs and values and prioritize transparency, racial equity, local economies, environmental sustainability, valued workforce, animal welfare, and community health and nutrition within their operations and food procurement. Ensure these institutional policies are embedded in agreements for contracted food services and that mechanisms are developed to ensure compliance and accountability through reporting and active contract management.


Vibrant and resilient regional economies allow communities to regain power in decision-making about their local food system and the land that supports it. When buying power remains within a regional economy—across production, processing, manufacturing and distribution in a given region—it creates shorter, more resilient supply chains and the potential for a circular economy. In a circular economy, different sectors are mutually reinforcing.


To strengthen equity and resilience in a local economy, institutional procurement and related strategies should:

  • Prioritize local suppliers, especially small and mid-sized farms, manufacturers, and food businesses that are privately, cooperatively, or nonprofit owned and operated within a 250 mile radius.
  • Prioritize suppliers that are entrepreneurs of color and community members most impacted by current and historic economic marginalization.
  • Leverage institutional buying power, infrastructure, financial resources, staff time, and land in support of community members, food producers, and food workers who have experienced negative systemic social and/or economic impacts.
  • Build partnerships with community members to ensure that food products and menus reflect the interests and cultures of everyone they serve.
  • Identify pathways for purchasing from small and community-based suppliers for products that can’t be grown or harvested within the mileage limitations, such as seafood, coffee, cocoa, and sugar.


Qualifying products come from privately, cooperatively, or non-profit owned and operated businesses of any size within 250 miles (500 miles for meat, poultry, and seafood).


Environmentally sustainable farms and food businesses build healthy ecosystems by improving soil health, increasing biodiversity, reducing the use of fossil fuel-based pesticides and fertilizers, and reducing the carbon and water footprint of food production—while advancing public health and worker safety. Environmentally sustainable fishing operations protect habitat, ensure wild sustainable fish stocks, support traditional and local fishing economies—while advancing public health and worker safety. The promotion of climate-friendly diets and sustainably produced foods can reduce the environmental impact of our food system and incentivize the adoption of sustainable farming, fishing, ranching, and business practices.


1. Purchase environmentally sustainable food, from suppliers that promote:

  • community health and universal rights to clean air and water;
  • the reduction or elimination of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers;
  • improved soil health and carbon sequestration;
  • reduced fossil fuel energy inputs and the protection of water resources;
  • biodiversity and ecological resilience;
  • reduced food waste;
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions; and
  • the reduction or elimination of single-use plastics and other resource-intensive packaging

2. Reduce carbon and water footprint of food purchases.



  • Grasslands Alliance
  • USDA Transitional Organic


Farm and food chain workers have the right to freedom of association; to organize a union; and to bargain collectively, free from reprisal, for livable wages and safe and healthy working conditions. Food businesses that uphold and implement principles of workers’ rights; cooperative ownership; democratic decision-making; and migrant, racial, and gender justice help to ensure that food workers can live and work with dignity.


  • Purchase food from suppliers with valued workforces
  • Ensure vendors and suppliers respect workers rights and comply with labor laws through contractual requirements and enforcement


  • Union Contract

    • e.g. Familias Unidas por la Justicia, FLOC, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, United Farm Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, Service Employees International Union, UNITE HERE.


Animal welfare encompasses all aspects of animals’ wellbeing and high animal welfare welfare is achieved when animals’ physical, mental, and behavioral needs are met throughout their lives. This can be understood through the five domains of animal wellbeing:

  1. nutrition;
  2. physical environment;
  3. health;
  4. behavioral interaction; and
  5. mental/affective state.

Farms and ranches with high animal welfare practices ensure responsible care and stewardship of farmed animals that also create positive impacts for the health of surrounding communities and ecosystems.


  • Purchase high animal welfare products
  • Reduce total animal weight of animal products sourced to reduce number of animal lives per meal served



Supporting communities in shaping their food environment with culturally relevant, nourishing foods improves health and wellbeing, ensures food sovereignty, and builds resilience to withstand and recover from economic and environmental disruptions.


Institutional procurement and related strategies focused on community health and nutrition promote healthy and resilient communities. Institutions act in partnership with their communities to improve health as they promote and expand access to nutritious food relevant to the people they serve. Institutions prioritize procuring whole or minimally processed foods, including vegetables, fruit, and whole grains; and serving plant-forward foods, which honor communities’ food traditions and protect against food-related chronic disease.

Note: Different institution types may have differing abilities to directly impact community health and institutions serve different populations that may have varying health and nutritional needs.